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Thornton & Grooms Proudly Supports Life Remodeled

Thornton & Grooms, a leading name in Metro Detroit for plumbing, heating, cooling, and drains, had a group of employees assist in the ambitious six-day clean-up project at Cooley High School in Detroit. This endeavor has become a tradition for employees of Thornton & Grooms to help the local community that we all share.

Thornton & Grooms employees joined together with hundreds of other Life Remodeled volunteers on October 3rd to revitalize Cooley High School and its surrounding area. Each team member of Thornton & Grooms is granted two days of PTO for community service every year. These two days are used in various ways, from volunteering at a dog shelter to helping at our favorite non-profits.

The project encompassed a wide range of activities. We mowed grass, cut down vines, assisted residents with brush on their property, and cleaned areas to make them safer for the community. By the end of the six-day period, Cooley High School and its surrounding area will be a shining symbol of what can be achieved when local businesses join hands to uplift their communities.

“This was my fifth time volunteering with Life Remodeled, and this year, I had the pleasure of leading our team of volunteers. It’s wonderful to take our passion of serving others and give back to local community members. We got to meet many homeowners and help them revitalize their yards and the surrounding areas.” said Candace H, Director of Customer Experience and Employer Branding at Thornton & Grooms.

Thornton & Grooms is proud to be in the position to be able to enhance the learning environment for the students and provide a renewed sense of pride for their local community. We hope this effort will inspire others in the community to get involved and serve as a testament to our boundless potential when we come together to make a difference.

The Thornton & Grooms Team